4 small Sweet Potatoes [skin on, chopped, about 5 cups]
3 medium Yukon Gold Potatoes [skin on, chopped, about 3 cups]
2 Pickling Cucumbers [chopped]
3 small Leeks [sliced, about 2 cups]
1/2 cup Mustard Sprouts*
1 tsp Water
very generous pinch Sea Salt
3 Tbs Red Wine Vinegar
1.5 Tbs Honey
1/3 cup Canola Oil [non-GMO]
freshly ground Black Pepper
Steam chopped potatoes + sweet potatoes in separate batches until just tender, 10 – 15 minutes. Be careful not to over cook so the skin does not separate from the rest of the tuber. Allow to cool.
Dissolve salt in water + vinegar. Whisk in honey + oil + season with pepper. Combine all sweet potatoes, potatoes, cucumbers + leeks in a large bow + toss with dressing. Gently stir in the mustard sprouts. Can be made ahead + great the next day.
* Mustard sprouts are a delicious little spicy sprout that tastes just like, you guessed it, mustard. To grow at home, simple sprinkle a layer of seeds on top of a small pot of soil + water. Cover with a damp paper towel until the sprouts emerge, then give them a pinch of water a couple times daily until they are about 2 inches tall, about 5 days. You can find mustard seeds for mere pennies in the bulk spice section of good grocery stores like Whole Foods or a local Co-op. You could always whisk a tablespoon of Dijon or whole grain mustard into this dressing if you don’t have sprouts on hand.
* Inspired by my favorite sweet potato salad from Moosewood Cooks at Home.