I think about food a lot. I spend a lot of time with food too. Planning, shopping, reading magazines and blogs, sending recipes to friends, cooking, eating, talking about what we will eat next, and hosting parties where food and drink are the theme.
So what? Part of why food is so central to me is because of my family and the community of friends around food.
- Cooking with my daughter…
- Bringing a new mom friend some easy meals when she goes back to work…
- Making cabbage halushka for 15 friends and acquaintances when everyone is snowed in on Christmas eve…
- Jody’s holiday pie help line…
- A weekly, come-as-you-are, Sunday dinner with friends…
- Shopping at Wheatsville because it feels like a place that welcomes everyone, and has been making the best tofu sandwich in town for years…
- Planting a shared veggie garden or watering for each other…
Having friends who you could call at 6pm and ask what they’re doing for dinner, then invite myself over and no one seems to mind…
Well, unfortunately, my family and many of the friends I’ve shared so many great meals with over the years now live in different cities. So, while I try to host as many holidays and brunches as I can, I find myself longing for the bbqs, get-togethers, and casual dinners, and struggle to find enough social time with the people I love amidst the hustle of everyday life.
So, here begins a little writing on the topic of food and community. Some nostalgia or stories. Some ideas for new tech that would make it easier to connect. And hopefully some more recipes to share.
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