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Tag: Allspice

Mango Black Beans

1 cup Black Beans [dried, soaked over night]
1/4 tsp Marjoram [dried]
2 Tbs Olive Oil
1 cup Onion [finely chopped]
3 Garlic Cloves [minced]
2 Mangoes [minced/smashed into a chunky puree]
dash White Pepper
1/4 tsp Allspice [ground]
1/2 tsp Thyme [fresh]

Rinse soaked beans well. Cook in a pot, just covered by water with marjoram until tender, about 20+ minutes.

Heat olive oil to medium then saute onions and garlic till translucent. Add mango, pepper, thyme + allspice. Simmer for 5 minutes over low heat.

Drain beans leaving a little bit behind + reserve their liquid. Stir mango + onion mixture into beans. Simmer 5 minutes more, adding additional cooking liquid if necessary.

Serves 4 over brown rice + well sauteed cabbage.

Sweet Spice Pickled Onions

1 Red Onion [sliced in 1/8″ rings]
1 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
1/2 cup Water
1/4 cup Sugar
1/2 tsp Whole Coriander Seeds
1/2 tsp Allspice Berries
2-1/2″ Cinnamon Stick

Bring vinegar, water, sugar + spices to a boil in a large skillet. Add red onions, stirring until all turn bright pink + wilt slightly, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a glass jar + allow to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate until ready to use.

These onions are great on just about anything + ready to eat as soon as they are cool.

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